News Archive 2018-2021
November 2021
End of Term Letter
Some senior school pupils have been writing to senior citizen in some of the Care Homes on Anglesey as part of a scheme run by Menter Mon. Recently Aaron Morris from Menter Mon came to the School with returning answers to the letters sent by the pupils, and the pupils were delighted to receive them. Our senior pupils will be sending further letters before Christmas.
Children in need
Many thanks to everyone who helped to gather £200 for the Children in Need Fund this year. School pupils wore fancy dress or pyjamas on the day of collection, and we are so glad as a School to help fund this campaign.
Christmas Boxes
Another campaign which the School supports is the Christmas Box Fund for the Children in Need Campaign. A car full of boxes was sent to the local collection centre. Many thanks to the children and their parents for supporting us once again this year.
The Day of Rememberance
All pupils stood quietly in their classrooms as Mike Allen played the Last Post in the School Hall. Pupils were very respectful and quiet -”We shall remember them”
The School Athletic team had an excellent morning at the Plas Arthur Leisure Centre , organised by Mon Actif. There were many outstanding performances by our pupils and they thoroughly enjoyed the occasion. We now go on to the next round in January!
The Five Thousand Pounds Wedding
Remember to watch the televised wedding programme called “Priodas Pum Mil” on the Sunday evening 12th of December. Gwenllian the daughter of Anti Sian who works in the School Kitchen will be married as part of the programme. School teacher Mrs Manon Roberts will be producing the decorative Wedding Cake for the event -and it will be worth seeing. Best of luck to Gwenllian!
Advent Calendar In Reverse
As a School we shall be supporting the Advent Calendar in Reverse event once again this year. The purpose of the event is to collect food items during December to give to the local Food Bank at the end of term. By supporting this campaign we hope that pupils will be making a difference to local people in need on Christmas Eve. People can leave their items on the Vegetable Stand near the School entrance. Many thanks to Rhun ap Iorwerth AS who came to address us on this particular local appeal.
Best Wishes and Sympathy
A warm welcome to Mrs Rozena Edwards who has joined the “Cyfnod Sylfaen Team” We would like to sympathise with Anti Diane following a bereavement in the family, and we send our sincerest sympathy to Anti Diane and family in their sad loss.
Mud Kitchen
We are very grateful to Barry, Katie and Peter who have created a new Mud Kitchen for the Yellow Class pupils with a grant from “The Friends of Anglesey” fund. The children love working with the new material, and the happy face of Barry in the photograph says it all.
October 2021
Famous artists!
The pupils in the green class have been very busy emulating the work of artists this half term. They have created fruit face paintings like the artist Giuseppe, created colourful faces like Picasso and created the trees of the seasons using Kandinsky’s style.
Blue class pupils have been studying 'pop art' style as part of the 1960s theme. After sessions creating portraits of people from the period including Dafydd Iwan, Gwynfor Evans, Shirley Bassey and Cilla Black they transformed the portraits into popart. The final gallery is wonderful to view.
Bread tasting and baking
The orange class pupils have been learning about local produce, and as part of their work they have been tasting and evaluating a variety of different breads before baking their own bread. It was a busy morning following recipe instructions, weighing, timing, and working together. There was a wonderful smell emanating from the class on baking day. The fresh bread was reportedly worth a taste!
Visit Llangristiolus Church
It was good to hear the charming voices of the children singing during the foundation phase visit to Llangristiolus Church. Many thanks to Reverend Emlyn Williams for the welcome and his entertaining conversation with the children.
Pupils in the blue class had a busy morning orienteering at Carreglwyd, Llanfaethlu. There was plenty of adventure in the search for specific targets on the map around the beautiful estate.
Crisp packets
Thank you to the children for collecting so many empty crisp packets to support a local campaign to create blankets for the homeless.
There were four special presentations from the classes to celebrate Thanksgiving 2021.
A new friend has appeared in the garden of Ysgol Henblas! The garden is developing week after week and the scarecrow, bug hotel and footpath have added to an inspiring area!
Anti Emma and Anti Chereece
We wish Aunt Emma well and congratulate her on taking up a post with ABC centre. We are very grateful to her for her service to Ysgol Henblas over the past two years. Similarly we welcome Anti Chereece who is a student in the green class.
September 2021
Fferam y Llan
As part of the Food and Farming theme the orange class visited Fferam y Llan to learn about farm life. As always - Sion and Lois were so welcoming and the children loved the different aspects of farm life – especially feeding the calves!
New children
We have welcomed 14 new children to the nursery class and 11 to the reception class this September. The warm welcome is extended to both the children and their parents and the staff are already enjoying their company!
Owain Glyndwr
On September 16th all the school children celebrated Owain Glyndwr's day and sang a joint song on the school yard. The singing was passionate and inspirational, and you can listen to the voice version by following the link:
Thank you to the many parents who came over to the school garden on a wonderful Sunday afternoon in September. The event was organized by the PTA and a tremendous amount of work was achieved in just two hours - clearing, weeding, and pruning. It was also a lovely opportunity to socialize over a cup of tea and cake!
Anti Carol
We send our warmest regards to Anti Carol following her bereavement of losing her father. The school community thinks of you Auntie Carol and looks forward to welcoming you back when the time is right.
Painting the school
Over the last few weeks of August, the school was painted by Martin Jones, Llanfairpwll. It's worth seeing and the children love the Balamory effect at the back of the school matching the colours of the classrooms!
New cabin
Local residents must have noticed the demolition work that has taken place over the summer. The old cabin for the cylch meithrin has disappeared and the new cabin has arrived in 4 pieces - magnificently hoisted into place with the help of a huge crane! The cylch meithrin will be moving back there in November - date to be confirmed.
July News
Farewell Year 6
A short film celebrating the magnificent twelve leaving us from year 6.
Last day memories
We had a wonderful send off for our year 6 pupils.
Year highlights:
Highlights of the year in less than 6 minutes!
Fun day for the foundation phase
Foundation Phase children had lots of fun playing games (and getting wet) on the school field. Thanks again to Barry and Dwynwen Draig for coming along! Thanks also to the PTA for the kind donation in buying the ice cream for all the children!
A day on the beach
The orange class had a day to remember on the beach at the end of term - activities, games and a BBQ in the sun. Thanks to the staff of Urdd Ynys Môn for the fun and company and play!
A day out at Fferam y Llan
How much fun will you have in a field, with 31 children, one dog, and the best milkshakes in Wales? The answer lies in the picture! A huge thank you to Sion and Lois for the warm welcome.
Buddy Bench
We are fortunate to have such thoughtful children at Ysgol Henblas. Casi and Ifan came up with the great idea of having a bench for keeping company! Many thanks to the Casi and Ifan families for donating towards the purchase of the new bench that has arrived this week - a 'bench bench'. The bench is plenty of show, and Casi and Ifan have decided on its final location.
Vegetables for sale
Vegetables from the school garden were sold at the end of term - apparently, they were delicious!
Health and fitness week
All the children had great fun with Barry and Emma and Aaron. Our thanks go to them for bringing a smile to the children's faces. This was a health and fitness week to remember! Thanks to all the staff for helping, to all the people who came to the school and provided wonderful sessions, and especially to Mrs Legge for organizing it all.
Year 6 visit to Ysgol Gyfun Llangefni
Thanks to Ysgol Gyfun Llangefni for welcoming year 6 pupils.
Orange class visit to Cwt Llefrith
Pupils in the orange class walked to Cwt Llefrith. After tasting the different milkshakes, the children created their own healthy milkshakes. Thanks Lois, Sion and Sali for the welcome!
Nursery, reception, year 1 and year 2 sports day!
All the fun of the 2021 foundation phase sports day.
Football with Chris
Thanks to Chris for an energetic session of football with the blue class. All worked hard and Chris praised their football skills.
Karate Cymru
Thanks to Dragon Karate Cymru for wonderful sessions for all the school children. Another valuable experience.
Gymnastics with Mair
All pupils had a wonderful gymnastics session with Mair Eluned. Many thanks to Mary today and over all the years. The children of Henblas have had great experiences!
Key Stage 2 sports day
Orange and blue class sports fun!
Blue class pupils had a great session with Steve Williams of Cricket Wales! Thanks Steve!
Many thanks to all the volunteers who have given their service to Ysgol Henblas over the past year. We are extremely fortunate to have parents and community members who are so willing to enrich our children's experiences. Thanks to Mike and Barry for coaching the football and rugby clubs. Thanks to Mike Allen for helping so much with the school garden.
Thanks to Mr Rhys Parry (Chair) and Mr Stephen Keen for their service to the governing body over the last few years - especially in taking on the challenge of keeping Ysgol Henblas open during the early months of 2018.
Thanks to Mair Eluned for years of service coaching gymnastics at school - many successes have come to Ysgol Henblas due to Mair's training during Cai and Ariana’s time at the school.
Thanks also to Elen Keen who has been coordinating Urdd activities for many years. Elen has devoted many hours of her time to training the school children and preparing them for all the Urdd eisteddfodau over the years, as well as various concerts. This has given the children a special platform and a means of building their confidence to perform in front of large audiences.
September 2021
The school will re-open on Thursday, September 2nd for the children. We will return in September to the normal school opening and closing hours - where all children need to be on school premises no later than 8:50 a.m. All children will leave school at 3:15p.m.
INSET dates up to Christmas:
September 1st
October 4th
December 3rd
Price of lunch / breakfast club
The price of lunch will drop to £2.20 and the price of the breakfast care club will rise to £1.20 per session from September.
New cabin
The cylch meithrin cabin will be demolished this Saturday 17/7/2021. We look forward to seeing the new cabin put in place over the coming weeks.
End of year thanks
Lastly, thanks to you for your co-operation over the past year. We are extremely grateful that we managed to keep the virus from Ysgol Henblas.
A special mention must go to the children - they have been excellent in such a difficult time, and are a credit to you as parents.
Equally, huge thanks to the staff. I as a headteacher am extremely grateful to them for their wonderful co-operation throughout.
Enjoy the period over the rest of July and August.
June 2021 News Glorian
Meeting with the author Casia William
The Orange Class spent an interesting afternoon in a virtual session with the author Casia William. The class had previously read her book ‘Sw Sara Mai’. During the session the pupils asked many relevant questions about the book, and they were pleased by Casia William’s response to their questions. Casia also read chapters of her book in the virtual session and the pupils now look forward to reading her new book when it is published.
Afternoon Tea
The orange class have been busy learning about weights, volume and finance, and they had the opportunity to put their newly learnt skills to practical use by preparing an afternoon tea. They used their numerical skills in preparing the food for the whole class, and then moved on to cost the content of the food, before moving on to prepare the scones and cakes. The tea was delicious!
Euro 2020
The football tournament has caught the imagination of the pupils , especially the success of the Welsh team. Dylan Griffiths , the well known commentator for BBC Radio Cymru had travelled
to Baku, Rome and Amsterdam to commentate on the Welsh matches. He joined in a virtual session with the blue class to talk about his experience, and he answered many questions, and organised a commentator workshop for the pupils. The pupils were given an opportunity to commentate and they were brilliant. Many thanks to Dylan Griffiths for his lead role in the workshop. Commentators of the future have been inspired!
Plas Menai
It was a privilege to join the blue class in a different activity to the normal school curriculum at Plas Menai Outdoor Centre. The attitude of the pupils was great! The inclement weather did not upset the pupils at all. Their approach to the activities was a pleasure to behold. They impressed with teamwork on the climbing wall, in the archery section and the canoe activity on the Menai Straits. The team work in the rowing event was excellent. This is the last adventure activity for Year 6 pupils. It was pleasing to receive very favourable comments from the pupils, and they were very grateful for having been given the opportunity to attend.
Student leaving - Miss Owen
Many thanks to Miss Owen for her services over the past six months, and in the completion of her student course, especially in the present challenging conditions. She received valuable experience teaching the green class and the blue class and the pupils were very pleased with her teaching. Best wishes Miss Owen in the future.
It was great for the pupils of the blue class to see copies of the magazine ‘Cymru’. This was a treasured magazine produced by Owen M Edwards to ensure that Welsh children were made aware of the history of the Welsh Nation, and produced at the start of the last century. Many thanks to Cai for bringing the magazines to school as part of the class theme in learning about the Welsh Not.
The Garden Vegetables
There was a special feast produced by Anti Sian and Anti Aloma during the latter part of the term, as they made use of the vegetables grown in the school garden for lunch. Many thanks to the children who have helped Anti Nia and Mike grow the vegetables.
New Books
Ysgol Henblas was selected by Awen Menai to receive a collection of books from the Welsh shop- the books have by now arrived at the School. Many thanks to Awen Menai for the books.
Visit to the Comprehensive School
Pupils from Year 6 attended the Llangefni Comprehensive school in early July to receive a taste of what is facing them in September. Many thanks to the school for giving the pupils a chance to visit, and we wish them well in the future.
Nursery school children
Children of the cylch have been attending nursery sessions at Ysgol Henblas with Mrs Owen – their future teacher and Anti Ffion and Anti Sophie. They are a very special group, and there is a very special welcome for them to Ysgol Henblas in September.
May News
May 2021 news Ysgol Henblas
Election 2021 at Henblas
Pupils of the orange and blue classes have been busy organising a mock election. They prepared their own manifesto based on the school and the local community’s needs, then voted for their parties’ leader, and finally created a logo.
The pupils prepared their campaigns and brought the rest of the school into the exercise. On the 6th of May the whole School were allowed to vote in the mock election. On counting the returns in the orange classroom, the winners were the Cool Kids Party, and Sara was allowed to represent the Party for the day. The winners in the blue class were the Par-ti party. It is possible that there will be future politicians in their midst and following in the footsteps of local politician – Mr Rhun ap Iorwerth!
Voyage of the Mimosa
As part of the theme ‘travel’, pupils in the Orange Class have been learning about Patagonia. Pupils were given the chance to see a virtual show by the ‘Mewn Cymeriad’ theatre company in a workshop. After the show, a short diary was prepared of the voyage through the eyes of a child.
The orange class children enjoyed conducting a variety of scientific experiments related to the water cycle with Mrs Awen Ashworth of Sbarduno. The children enjoyed the opportunity to create a storm in a jar using foam and food colouring!
The orange class enjoyed an interesting session with Mr Alan McDonald from the RNLI on how to keep safe in the water. Pupils asked many relevant questions and learnt a great deal about safety in the water- important points to assimilate throughout their lives.
Dance for Everyone
Pupils of the blue class have been learning how to dance with the aid of a virtual setup prepared by Elin and Lauren from the ‘Dance for Everyone Company’. The classes have been very lively and key to improve their mental and physical health. The pupils themselves are also preparing their own dancing routines. The classes will continue after the Whit holiday. We look forward to seeing the result of their efforts.
Tea time
Every Friday morning, pupils in the blue class (and staff) enjoy a cup of tea in the classroom. This gives them time to relax after a busy week in the school and a chance to discuss their weekend programme with their friends. Thank you, Anti Emma, for preparing 33 cups of tea, and thanks to the pupils who help to wash up the dishes!
Hola! Pupils in the blue class have recently been enjoying Spanish lessons and have learned a lot of vocabulary already! They have been following a ‘Cerdd Iaith’ course which is a powerful new resource combining music and drama to help children to practise their skill in spoken Welsh, English and Spanish. It is hoped that the course will inspire the children in language skills and to encourage the learning of new languages.
Lego Time
Before going home on Friday children are encouraged to play with the new Lego Sets which have arrived in the classrooms. Children see the benefit of using the building blocks in specific projects e.g. building rooms from basic planning of perimeter and surface areas. i.e. learning in relation to practical every-day life.
Keeping fit.
Pupils in the yellow and green classes were excited to meet the new Mon -Active mascot – Dai the Dragon in their fitness sessions with Mr Barry Edwards. The children have received a great deal of practical athletic experiences from their sessions with Barry and his staff and are grateful for the opportunity to keep fit under their tuition.
Children in the yellow class enjoyed listening to stories and singing about colours of the rainbow in a lively session lead by Manon of M-Sparc. Also, they created experiments to learn about primary and secondary colours in the following sessions in the classroom!
Healthy Eating
A warm welcome was given to a special friend of the school – Nurse Mandy, who came to teach children of the foundation phase about healthy eating. The children were amazed to see how much sugar there is in some ready to drink fruit juices. The lesson to learn is to drink as much water as possible and to eat fresh fruit.
The school’s vegetable garden is well worth seeing at the present time, with the produce growing well. Children in the nursery class have enjoyed growing some of the produce as part of their thematic study of the book ‘Swpertaten’.
New Out-door Classroom
Many thanks to the Local Authority for their grant provision and financing of a new out-door classroom for the school built in the foundation phase area. The children are delighted in having a chance to learn in this outside classroom and are pleased with the extension to the school’s teaching resources.
Many thanks to the busy children of the yellow class. They have been busy collecting rubbish from the school premises and using the right equipment. We all are aware of the motto -’Keep Wales Tidy’ and we are also aware of our responsibility within the school premises.
Children in the foundation phase have been enjoying keep fit sessions with Barry Edwards over the past few weeks. They have tasted all sorts of athletics – jumping, running, and throwing. Years 3 and 4 pupils have also been practising their football skills in the after school club with Barry, whilst Year 5 and 6 pupils have been enjoying rugby sessions with Mike. Many thanks to Barry and Mike for giving their time once again.
Showing the red card to racism
The campaign by footballers in their effort and concern about racism has been much publicised in the past few months. Professional footballers are important figures to many of our pupils, and the fact that they support the campaign against racism before the start of football matches has had a big effect on the pupils. Racism has no place in our community, and this was the message that Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 pupils received recently. The mature responses by the pupils against racism, showed how strongly they support the campaign - there is no room in our lives for discrimination on the basis of colour of our skin, culture, religion or country. Many thanks to Noam for his inspirational talk.
Big Pedal Fortnight
For a fortnight at the end of April, the school’s parking bay was full of scooters and bikes. Also, many pupils walked to school in support of the Big Pedal Campaign with the objective of supporting the environment. Well done children- and parents for supporting the Campaign.
The Senedd
The Orange Class (Year 3 and 4) enjoyed a session on the Senedd from Ann Williams. The session covered the work and powers of the Senedd. Several interesting ideas were suggested including increasing the provision of more fresh food for customers to buy. A mock election was organised, and many important ideas raised!
Pupils of the green class have been studying the works of the artist Banksy, and in particular his painting of super heroes in the NHS. The pupils succeeded in producing excellent copies of his work.
Quiz: Dim Clem
Older pupils were successful back in Autumn to go through to the next round of the quiz called Dim Clem- a quiz organised between Anglesey Schools. The quiz was on general knowledge and pupils enjoyed the experience as a team.
As part of their curriculum, pupils in the orange class were given a talk on Patagonia by Sinead Harris. Sinead has been living in Patagonia for a year and she had many interesting stories to give about the country.
April News
Fun in Science
The older children in the school experienced an interesting session learning about germs under the tuition of Awen Ashworth from Sbarduno (Inspire). Many thanks to MSparc for organising the tuition and bringing the subject alive to the pupils.
The farm comes to Ysgol Henblas
The pupils of the yellow and green class were taught how to look after young lambs as part of their Spring theme. Many thanks to Gwen, Sara and Ioan Coyne for allowing the children to look after the lambs, namely Steve, Milo and Billy - lambs owned by the Coyne family. The pupils received important knowledge about the lambs from Mrs Erin Ashton, and they were very impressed, and some of the pupils were sang the lambs to sleep.
Signs of Spring
Pupils of the yellow and green class took a ramble around the village to look for early signs of Spring. The children suggested the idea. They came across Cwt Llefrith at Fferam y Llan. The pupils asked key questions about milk and its production. On returning to the School the pupils could taste different milk shakes- vanilla, chocolate, and banana. Resulting data showed vanilla flavour being top of the poll.
As part of the class theme - ‘Dreams’, pupils from the blue class learnt about the journey undertaken by Mrs Meinir Hughes to Lesotho. They learned about housing, schools, and the environment. Many thanks to Mrs Hughes for an interesting morning- shown by the varied questions asked about Lesotho by the pupils.
Iaith ar daith
Children at Ysgol Henblas highly respect Steve Backshall – the naturalist and adventurer as seen on television. The older pupils were very impressed when they saw Steve on the television programme ‘Iaith ar Daith’ on S4C, learning and speaking Welsh. The programme was inspirational.
Exercising the body is important in the school curriculum at Ysgol Henblas, and at the end of term, pupils from the orange and blue classes attended a physical exercise class led by Emily Bratherton. They were worked hard with Emily and it is obvious that Ysgol Henblas pupils are very fit!
March News
Welcome Back
It was great to welcome back the children of the foundation phase to school at the start of March. Over the last two months the children have been busy learning at home and the school/home link has been upheld through live sessions as well as weekly home tasks provided by the school. The children of years 3-6 have also produced wonderful home-based work on a weekly basis, and it is a pleasure to hear them on the regular live on-line sessions.
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Children in the Yellow Class building a Monastery for Dewi Sant on March 1st.
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Children in the Yellow Class building a Monastery for Dewi Sant on March 1st.
Signs of Spring
Signs of Spring can be seen in the foundation phase area - and the daffodils are now in full bloom. And if you look closely in the pool near the entrance gate, you will see tadpoles. Many thanks to Mike for his care of this area.
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The daffodils in the Foundation Phase area.
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Tadpoles in the pool.
Josie Russell
Whilst celebrating Saint David’s Day the foundation phase children imitated the work of local artist Josie Russell’s painting of daffodils. Some excellent work was produced by the pupils – there are some very promising artists in the group!
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The artist in the Green Class
A link with Solan public school in India
Pupils in the blue class were given a chance to converse with their new friends from Solan public school in the Himalayas, India. They questioned the School Headmistress about life in India and exchange ideas with the pupils. It was great to hear the children conversing with each other and it is wonderful to have a connection with the school.
A link with a School in Paris.
As well as their contact in Solan, India, pupils of the blue class have made friends with children from Ecole Privee Sainte Elisabeth de Plaisaance in Paris. Elin Lloyd Griffiths from Llanfairpwll is teaching at the school in Paris at the present time, and she has instigated the Paris connection with the pupils from Ysgol Henblas. The children from both schools have been involved in a correspondence project. We thank Elin for setting up the project and for her leadership in this work. Ysgol Henblas pupils were overjoyed with the letters sent from Paris.
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Erin and Erin from the Blue Class with their letters from Paris.
Shelter or Refuge
In early March, a shelter was built on the school land. This addition is provided for all pupils at the school and will also be available for the local community. We are grateful to the school governors and residents for providing the support for this project. Also, many thanks to officials of the National Lottery Community Fund for supporting the project financially.
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The new shelter.
Identifying birds
The pupils in the orange class have been preparing bird-food before taking part in the National Bird Identification Week in their own gardens at home. It was interesting to note the range of birds sighted in the local area, and the food utensils they produced were very inventive!
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bird feeding utensils devised by the pupils
January News
Congratulations to Ariana (year 6) on winning the North Wales gymnastics comeback kid award. During the lock-down periods Ariana has been practicing through online sessions, and has continued to develop her gymnastics skills and make further progress. Well deserved Ariana.
Britannia Bridge
Two year 6 pupils appeared in an item on the programme 'Heno' on S4C. Ifan and Maiya were giving feedback on a new book about the construction of the Britannia Bridge called 'The Lions of Britannia Bridge'. They both spoke fabulously and in detail about the book as well as their experience of visiting the Menai Bridge heritage centre. Well done both.
Each class produced their special presentations for our parents to watch at home. There were wonderful performances from all pupils and it was a feast to see each child acting in a clear voice and everyone singing with vigour. Many thanks to the parents for preparing the costumes and for their usual support.
At the beginning of the year came the great news that the school had received funding from the national lottery heritage fund towards raising a gazebo on the school grounds. In March 2020 all the school's stakeholders were asked for their views on resources in the village, and this information was used to create an application to the fund. Huge thanks to everyone who responded, and we look forward to seeing the gazebo in place by early spring.
Food bank
Thanks to everyone who helped to collect so much food towards the Anglesey food bank appeal. Our friends came over to collect the food – and they were very grateful to everyone for their generosity.
Santa Run
At the end of the last term 105 Father Christmas from the school ran to raise money towards the school. Thanks to the parent teacher association for organising it all – it was worth seeing the children in their red hats. You managed to raise £1924.90 – an incredible amount that will go towards buying resources for the school.
Christmas Decoration
Congratulations to Mari (year 6) for winning the Trystan and Emma competition on their Radio Cymru programme for creating a Christmas decoration made from cardboard. Well done Mari!
Sharing kind words
It was great to see the pupils of the blue class sharing kind words when recording on cards on each other’s back. The class had been studying the theme of war and peace and appreciated that sharing positivity was such an important feature rather than negativity. Well done all for such a mature response.
November News
Learning about world wars
As part of the class theme 'War and peace' the school's oldest pupils had a day of studying artefacts, documents, letters, and photographs relating to the residents of Anglesey during the two world wars. In addition, Mr and Mrs Merfyn Jones joined the session virtually and mentioned close relatives who had been in both wars. There was a remarkably interesting day with the children enquiring skilfully before passing on their findings in the form of a presentation. Thanks to the children for bringing so many family resources to enrich their learning.
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Efa and Lucas learning about the First World War
Teams4U Christmas Boxes
30 Christmas boxes came to school this year for the Teams4U campaign – which will ensure that less fortunate children receive a gift this year. Thanks to everyone for supporting once again.
Internet safety week
There was a week of learning about the merits of the internet as well as learning about negative aspects. PC Owain Edwards joined virtually to deliver a session to each class – from the youngest children learning about people who help us, to the oldest pupils learning about cyber bullying. During the week, many different activities enriched all pupils' understanding of the merits of the digital world.
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Learning about cyber bullying.
Foundation phase children learned about travelling safely while having a scooter session on the school yard. There was a lot of fun in the November sun and all the children listened carefully to the training!
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A scooter session on the school yard
SKIP Session
We are incredibly grateful to Mr Barry Edwards who has started fitness sessions with foundation phase children. Barry visits the school twice a week and the children love to work energetically in his company.
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SKIP Session
Children in need
The school children donned their own colourful clothes to school on Friday November 13th to raise money towards the BBC Children in need appeal. Thanks to the children and parents for raising a great sum of £264.75.
The foundation phase pupils had a lot of fun when joining in a singing session and a virtual story with Selog. Selog is a familiar face to the children of Ysgol Henblas and the children have had many valuable experiences in his company. Thank you for an incredibly fun morning!
Orange class scientists
The pupils in the orange class have been remarkably busy conducting several scientific experiments in conjunction with the class theme. Keeping healthy is particularly important and they have been investigating the question – which liquid causes the most damage to teeth? Five eggs were placed in five different liquids - water, milk, orange juice, coca cola and coffee. The results were extremely interesting, and the dark brown colour of the shell showed the negative effect of the coca cola and coffee on our teeth, while the water and milk caused no remarkable change in the colour of the shell. In addition, they have been tasting different types of bread to make a wholesome sandwich.
Reading books
We are extremely grateful to the Parent Teacher Association for providing a special financial contribution of £400 towards the purchase of new reading books for pupils in the foundation phase department. The choice of books available to the pupils is greatly enriched and we are grateful to the staff of the junior department for sorting and categorizing the books available.
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Reading books
Octoberts News
New chapter
Eight reception age children and eight nursery age children are now well settled with the Yellow Class staff. Seeing their early development and growth in confidence is extremely rewarding for Mrs Owen, Anti Diane and Anti Carol.
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Nursery and reception children alongside their friends in the Yellow Class.
Condolences to Anti Nia
We send our fondest regards to Anti Nia. Anti Nia's father died in mid-October. The Henblas family all think of her during these difficult times.
This year for the first time we produced four Thanksgiving presentations that were shared with parents online. The Yellow Class thanked for the creation of the world and the wonders of the world around us; the Green Class thanked everyone who help them in school and in their daily lives; the Orange Class said thanks in different languages, remembering the importance of valuing those who are kind; and the Blue Class gave thanks for food in a peaceful world, looking at the experiences of two evacuees Betty Cambpell and Samuel Lewis during the Second World War. Ysgol Henblas’ new Anthem, written by year 5 and 6 pupils (2019-2020) in collaboration with the Poet Mei Mac, was performed brilliantly, and thanks to former school pupil Beca Lois Keen for composing the melody. These were four special presentations and many thanks to the children for performing so well. Thanks also to the parents for their complimentary comments and positive words of appreciation after watching the presentations. The presentations are available to view on the school website
Dosbarth Melyn Thanksgiving
Dosbarth Gwyrdd Thanksgiving
Dosbarth Oren Thanksgiving
Dosbarth Glas Thanksgiving
Health drinks
The Orange Class have been learning about the body over the half term and they were busy one day creating healthy drinks – smoothies! The smoothies were a mixture of fruits such as mango and pineapple. Well done for creating such nutritious drinks. The pupils also had a lovely morning watching Mike Allen prepare apple juice using the apples he had grown at home. Crushing the apples was hard work - but the result was worth every effort!
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The Orange Class enjoying their trip to see Mike creating apple juice.
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Orange Class pupils enjoy the healthy drinks!
We are grateful to three fathers and one grandfather who have been very busy since the beginning of September tidying the garden, as well as building a shed to store the gardening equipment. Thanks so much to Mike, Bryn, Sion and Wyn for their tireless work - the garden is now worth seeing and is now ready for spring growth. And to top it all off the Green Class children completed the tidying up and preparation - great teamwork.
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The garden on a lovely October morning, the children enjoying the gardening.
At present the children throughout the school maintain their fitness levels admirably with outdoor sessions. The Blue Class has been active every Friday morning and the pupils love taking part in the fitness circuits sessions and the inspirational music that inspires them on the yard. Well done everyone.
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Two year 6 girls working energetically.
Cylch Meithrin Henblas
If your child is over two and a half years old before the end of December, remember that they are very welcome to attend the Cylch with Auntie Ffion and Auntie Sophie from Monday to Thursday. Recently, the children have been enjoying the new water area as well as enjoying a treasure hunt in the surrounding area on a wonderful October day. For more information you can contact Anti Ffion at the email address
Reflection on the half term
At the end of the half term I would like to thank the children for all their efforts and learning at Ysgol Henblas. The eight weeks have gone by so quickly, and all have settled in well to their classes following the period of being away from school. The children are now familiar with our new arrangements and carry on with school life without a hitch - much to their credit. The school's attendance has been exceptionally good since all pupils returned on 14/9/2020. School attendance during this period is 98%, so thank you all for ensuring that your child attends school. Once again, I would like to point out that we as staff and the governing body are grateful to you as parents for your co-operation during this period of returning to as normal a routine as possible.
Following the holidays, we will be slightly changing the release procedure, asking parents to continue following the one-way procedure across the yard.
• Yellow class will go home at 3:10 pm (plus older sibling)
• the Green will go home at 3:15 pm (plus older sibling)
• the Orange will go home at 3:20 pm (plus older sibling),
• the Blue class goes home at 3:25 pm
There will be INSET day on Monday (2/11/2020). The school will also be closed to children for INSET days on 12/2/2021 and 28/5/2021..
July News |
Thank you Mrs Owen
We bid a fond farewell today to Mrs Clare Owen who has been teaching the stars in years 1 and 2. It has been a privilege and pleasure working with Mrs Owen over the last 9 months. We wish you all the best, and please remember that a warm welcome will always await you at Ysgol Henblas. .
Welcome back to Ysgol Henblas
June News |
A message from international singing sensation Nesdi Jones:
Ysgol Henblas' year 5 and 6 pupils have received a message from international singing sensation Nesdi Jones. Nesdi has enjoyed success on the international stage and is a huge star in India. Years 5 and 6 pupils recently learnt about her success as part of their current theme India. Thank you Nesdi for such a wonderful message.
Years 5 and 6 pupils are still thoroughly immersed in their current theme - India. The pupils chose this theme. We are fortunate that we can ask Avantika so many questions. Avantika is the headteacher of one of Delhi’s schools. Here, Avantika answers a pupil’s question about India and religion.
Years 5 and 6 pupils have chosen their theme for this term - India. Each pupil thought of questions to ask our friend Avantika Sharma. Avantika is the headteacher of Rishikul World Academy Sonepat Haryana India in Delhi. Avantika visited Ysgol Henblas in July 2019. These are Avantika's answers to the questions asked by our pupils.
May News |
Skills at home.
Over the past few weeks the pupils of Ysgol Henblas have been very busy.
The stars of Ysgol Henblas. Spring 2020.
‘Always together, never apart. Maybe in distance but never in heart.’
Thanks to Mr Arfon Wyn for entertaining the children through song - they enjoy a sing along at home!
Codwyr pwysau o fri: (Welsh only..)
Mae disgyblion blwyddyn 5 a 6 wedi paratoi cwestiynau ar gyfer dau athletwr rhyngwladol fel rhan o thema Gemau Olympaidd. Cafwyd cwestiynau aeddfed iawn a diolch i Gareth Evans a Catrin Jones am eu hymatebion manwl. Cafwyd dau gyfweliad fideo diddorol dros ben gan y ddau sydd wedi ennill medalau aur yng nghamp codi pwysau.
March News |
Letter to parents 27/3/2020: HENBLAS CARE CENTREAt the end of the week I’m writing in the hope that you are all well and healthy. It has been a strange week at Ysgol Henblas – we are not operating as a school now of course but rather as a care centre. It’s not the same without the children and we miss them dearly. I’m also sure that the residents of Llangristiolus and the surrounding area miss the hustle and bustle of happy children on the yard. |
Ideas to do at homeHere is Ifan with some ideas for you to do at home!
Years 3 and 4 fruit shop
Years 3 and 4 class fruit shop opened its doors recently - aiding the pupils’ understanding of dealing with money. It’s great to see Ysgol Henblas pupils eating so healthily! |
Singing to raise our hearts Here are our wonderful pupils singing a song about the various birds we may find this spring. |
Eisteddfod yr Urdd
Congratulations to all who competed at the Urdd local eisteddfod and thanks to Elen and Eirian for preparing them so thoroughly. |
St David’s WeekDuring St David's week 2020 all the pupils took part in various activities celebrating our culture. Click here to view the photos.
Welsh cakesAfter a cookery session with Mrs Owen and Anti Nia wonderful Welsh cakes were produced by our year 1 & 2 chefs. Next stop - Masterchef! |
Folk dancing
Here are the reception class children folk dancing in their world book day costumes! |
St David’s march
Year 5 and 6 pupils marched through Llangefni with their friends from the local schools and enjoyed a concert by Arfon Wyn followed by a disco at the local secondary school. |
Poetry competitionCongratulations to Casi (year 3) and Bedwyr (year 6) on achieving second prize in their respective ages in a poetry competition held for the local schools to celebrate St. David’s Week. |
Welsh traditional instrumentsYears 5 and 6 pupils had a presentation about Welsh traditional instruments, the Welsh costume, as well as folk singing and dancing with Huw and Bethan Roberts. |
World Book Day
On World Book Day years 5&6 pupils read to their friends in the reception class. A wonderful interaction was had.
February News |
Fitness Club We are grateful for all those who organise classes at the School after 3.15P M. The Urdd Group and football and rugby group meet regularly and asre flourishing. This year two new groups have been set up, namely a Fitness group for the Foundation Class with Mrs Clare Owen, and a Dancing Club with Katie Jones leading. |
Mr Wil Rowlands
Many thanks to Mr Wil Rowlands who taught pop art skills to Class 5 and 6. The class were very interested in pop art, and enjoyed the session. |
Dydd Miwsisg Cymru (welsh only...)Cafodd disgyblion yr adra iau fore arbennig yn Ysgol Llangefni gyda’u ffrindiau o ysgolion y dalgylch yn dathlu Dydd Miwsig Cymru. Diolch i Arfon Wyn am yr holl ganu a da oedd gweld bandiau ifanc Môn yn cael y cyfle.
January News |
Swimming Gala Pupils took part in the Urdd Swimming Gala, and in particular we would like to congratulate the members of the Year 3 and 4 relay team for coming first. The team consisted of Erin Quin , Ela Edwards , Efa Lois, and Efa Torr. Erin Quin went all the way to Cardiff to compete individually in the National event, and came fourth and fifth. This is quite an achievement! |
Gymnastic Many congratulation to the Gymnastic Team who competed in the Urdd County competition. The group of six came first, the trio came second and the pair came third. Many thanks to Mair, Ruth and Mrs Owen for training them, and best wishes to the group - Ifan Gilford , Ioan Coyne, Ariana Hardy, Mari Roberts and Gwen Coyne in the final at Aberystwyth. |
Christening It was an honour for all pupils to witness to the christening of Anti Aloma and Anti Pat in the school hall recently. The service was led by Cannon Emlyn Williams with all the pupils also taking part . Year 3 and 4 pupils also had an opportunity to question Cannon Emlyn Williams about the history of Cristiolus Church. |
School Cook of the Year Many congratulations to Anti Sian for coming second throughout Wales in The Cook of the Year Competition. As a school we all know that Anti Sian prepares excellent meals , and now she has received just recognition for the fact. |
Saving Life The junior sector of the school had an interesting session with Stephen - a member of St John’s Ambulance – learning about saving a life. They were also shown how to use the defibrillator which is available to villagers, and placed near the school entrance. |
Invited SpeakersWe are always pleased to invite special speakers to the school and during November we invited Sian Parry from ‘Don’t Touch Tell’, Rev. Emlyn Williams and P.C. Owain. |
Christmas Shopping EveningDuring the month a special evening was held at the school, with a wide range of items and Christmas crafts on sale. Santa Claus was also present . Many thanks to everyone who supported and attended the event. A praiseworthy £600 was raised for the school funds. |
Christmas BoxesThank you to everyone who supported the Teams 4U Campaign this year . Bedwyr and Alfie made sure the boxes arrived at Ysgol Llangefni collection point safely. |
Indoor AthleticsCongratulations to the Ysgol Henblas Athletics Team on coming second in the indoor athletics event at Plas Arthur. There were some outstanding performances , with every member of the team giving of their best. |
Community Resource- Defibrillator for the communityA defibrillator has been placed outside the school entrance. It will be a valuable resource in the case of emergency. |
Thanksgiving Service
The Thanksgiving Service was held on the last afternoon before half term. The School Hall was full with pupils and their parents. Each class performed a different aspect of the Thanksgiving theme - the Reception and Nursery Class performed on the theme of Colours; Year 1 and 2 performed a review of the story of the Little Red Hen; Year 3 and 4 were thankful for the food on their tables; Year 5 and 6 were thankful of the targets and ambition they should all attain in life. A collection was made at the end of the Service, which raised £305, which will be sent to help secure a water supply to the village of Kimlili in Kenya, the work being organised by Mr and Mrs Alun Pritchard. |
Journey of the Loaf.
To contribute to the theme of Year 3 and 4 in the Thanksgiving Service, the pupils participated in the baking of bread. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the experience, and were able to take their loaves home to eat. |
Science Laboratory
As part of the close collaboration between the secondary school and the local primary schools, Year 6 pupils spent a morning studying Science at Llangefni Secondary School. Many thanks to the Science Departmentn for their welcome. |
Vegetable StallThe Vegetable Stall outside the School has raised £150 over the Summer months. This cash will be used to buy seeds and plants in the Spring. A special thanks to Mike for his guidance and practical help with the stall. |
Stories from the BibleRecently we have welcomed friends from Cildwrn Chapel to read stories from the Bible. Many thanks for your efforts in enlightening our pupils about stories from the Bible. |
Many thanks to the Holland Arms Garden Centre for supplying the School with a bag of bulbs. After planting , we will look forward to the flower show in Spring! |
Bake Off at Ysgol Henblas
One of the most important events in the annual programme of the Parent /Teachers Association is the Bake Off event . It was obvious that a great deal of effort had gone into this event again this year. Once again a feast of food was served, and together with the bingo a total of £380 was raised. Many thanks to everyone who helped in the event. |
Maternity Leave
Best wishes to Mrs Roberts who has taken maternity leave at the moment. Congratulations on the borth of Jac Elis was born at the end of October. We welcome Mrs Clare Owen who will take care of Year 1 and 2 pupils during the next few months. |
Year 5 and 6 pupils spent a very interesting afternoon orienteering at Carreglwyd , Llanfaethlu. The pupils thoroughly enjoyed being outdoors in a pleasant location and learning a new skill. |
Caneuon Diolchgarwch 2019
Can Hosanna Printable Version - click here
Diolch am Roddi i mi'r Bore Printable Version - click here
Glas Glas Blaned Printable Version - click here
Tyrd o Iesu Printable Version - click here
Farm Visit to Fferam y Llan This term year 3 and 4 pupils are studying the topic “Food and farming” . They visited Fferam y Llan - the home of Mari, Sara, Beca and Elliw. A very interesting afternoon was held there with Sion the farmer and Lois his wife. The pupils watched the cows being milked in the new milking parlour, and a highlight was visiting the calf pens. Many thanks to Sion and Lois for hosting a very educational farm visit.
Washing Hands Nurse Mandy came to the School to demonstrate the proper way to wash hands. She also demonstrated how quickly germs can spread –a timely visit at the start of the school Year. |
Safety in the Sun Cerys from Tenovus came to the school to talk about how to guard against direct sunlight, a timely warning during the early September hot days. Sun-cream, head cover, plenty of fluids were all mentioned in the talk. |
Summer BingoA successful evening was held in the bingo session , arranged by the Parent/Teacher Association. Thanks to all who supported the event which raised £248 towards School Funds. |
Green fingers
An insight into the recent work the children have done in the garden. High praise to Mike Allen for all his fantastic work, enthusiasm and dedication. The children gave gained invaluable experiences and skills and enjoyed seeing the progression from soil to the plate. |
Welcome to the Reception Class16 children from the Nursery class came to Ysgol Henblas to get a taste of school life before joining in September. Mrs Owen, Anti Diane and Anti Carol had a very enjoyable time in their company, and they look forward to welcoming them in September. The parents were also welcomed and they enjoyed the meals from the kitchen and had a taste of the School activities. An exciting development is the fact that nursery age children will be taught at Ysgol Henblas for 10 hours weekly from September onwards. We look forward to welcoming these new pupils in September. |
Urdd Athletic Meeting31 pupils from the School’s athletics squad went to Ysgol Uwchradd Bodedern to participate in the annual athletics competition. Over 1000 pupils took part from the whole of Ynys Mon. Congratulation to all who took part, but in particular to the following for getting into the first three: |
Cristiolus ChurchIn the weeks up to Easter, Mr Emlyn Williams described the biblical events leading up to the crucifixion. Year 3 and 4 pupils were then taken to Cristiolus Church, and Mr Emlyn Williams described various aspects of the Church building. Many thanks to Mr Emlyn Williams for his warm welcome. |
FootballDuring a break from competition for the Ieuan Wyn Jones Cup, an exciting game took place between Ysgol Henblas School and Ysgol Parc y Bont. Many thanks once again to Barry Edwards for coaching the Henblas team, and congratulations to both teams for playing the game in such good spirit. Thank you Parc y Bont School for your welcome , and good wishes to the Henblas team for the rest of the season. |
Henblas Gymnastics TeamYsgol Henblas gymnastics team and individual gymnastsc have enjoyed considerable success over the last weeks, in the Anglesey Schools’ Gymnastic Competition and the Urdd County Championship. Following their success in the Urdd competition the team went to Aberystwyth to compete in the National Championship and after an excellent performance they had took home the first prize. Congratulations to the 6 pupils that went to Aberystwyth and a huge thanks to Mrs Mair Eluned, Mrs Ruth Gilford and Mrs Kelly Owen for training the pupils. |
Gala nofioThe pupils had many success in the Swimming Gala for the Cefni and Menai area held recently at Plas Arthur. Osian Keen won the freestyle race for boys, yr 3 and 4, Lena Clode came second in the freestyle race for girls, Year 6, Leo Saxon and Erin Quinn came second in the breaststroke race for years 3 and 4, Sara Coyne, Sion Williams, Sion Williams, Sian Rowlands, Ioan Coyne and Freya Tomblin came third in their races. The relay team, years 3 and 4 came third. Congratulations to everyone on their achievement.
Individual GymnasticCongratulations to Cairon Rowlands on his success in a gymnastics competition that was held recently. Cai has been working hard to develop his gymnastics skills over recent weeks and the hard work has paid off, he will be going through to the next round in Bala soon and we wish him well. |
FootballIt has been a very successful month for our footballers, they are through to the next round in the Ieuan Wyn Jones trophy, the team won the 5 a side Urdd competition and further success came in the five a side, catchment area. |
Siarter IaithThe Siarter Iaith group has been very busy lately, they gave a presentation for the school governors, sharing the good work they are doing. The presentation detailed their Action Plan for this year and members of the governing body had a chance to ask questions. Thank you to Mrs Legge for preparing the members of the group and to the pupils for displaying and introducing their work so maturely. |
Outside AreaThere has been some change in the Foundation Phase’outside area over the last few weeks, and the thank you goes to Mr Elfyn Roberts (Awel, Sion and Ellis’ father). Elfyn has been busy creating a mud kitchen and a bench and these are now in place. But, the children have also been busy helping with fitting the new furniture in place in the concrete. Thank you to Eryl and Lisa for their hard work. |
Cooking togetherThere was a lovely smell of food in Henblas School recently, 86 pupils cooking with Richard Shaw from Coginio gyda’n gilydd company together with Carla Desmond (Healthy Schools). |
GoodbyeIt was a pleasure to welcome Mrs Helen Pritchard back to the school recently, we would like to thank her for her hard work whilst working in the kitchen. Together with Anti Sian and Anti Aloma they made an excellent team and the children were very lucky over the years for her care.
GymnasticsMembers of the school gymnastics team represented the Urdd team and were successful in the Island gymnastics competition when numerous awards were had. Ifan Gilford came second in the singles competition, Martha Gilford and Ariana Hardy came second in the doubles competition, Martha, Arianna and Gwen Coyne came second in the trio competition, and the icing on the cake was the team bewing placed in first position. Congratulations to all who took part and good luck to them when they will be representing the Island in Aberystwyth next month. We would also like to thank Mair Eluned and Ruth Gilford for training the children and to Mrs Owen who for arranging and co-ordinating the event. |
Robert Recorde‘In Character’ company came into the school to present a lively show involving numeracy. The pupils had an interesting hour and their enjoyment showed as they followed the main character Robert as he asked for answers in order to solve mathematical problems. Eventually the answers to all the problems led to alphabetical letters that created a mathematical word. |
Bird WatchingPupils of year 3 and 4 have been participating in an inspection of bird watching by making an audit of the birds that visit the school garden over a period of two weeks. The pupils enjoyed learning about the different types of birds that come to the garden and it was a good chance for them to further their numeracy skills. |
ScienceMrs Awen Ashworth from Hoizon Company visited the school to educate the pupils in years 3 and 4 about carbon emissions. The session helped the pupils to develop their understanding of how man effects the environment. |
ChristingleA lovely service was held at St Cristiolus Church before Christmas under the leadership of Cannon Emlyn Williams. During the day all the children had been making a Christingle and learnt how all the elements were related to the Christingle. Thank you to the children who performed so well under the leadership of Mrs Legge and to Cannon Emlyn Willimas for his time in giving the pupils such a special experience. |
Christmas Shopping EveningThe school was transformed on Thursday November 29th - full of stalls for our annual Christmas shopping evening organised by the Parent Teacher Association. A wonderful atmosphere filled the whole school and we are so thankful to all who attended. A fantastic amount of £891 was raised. |
ThanksgivingIt was lovely to see the hall full for the Thanksgiving service this year. A huge thanks to the parents for their support and to every child for giving their best when performing, from the youngest child from the Cylch Meithrin to the elder child in Year 6. |
Service by the Reverend Hywel Davies and Councillor Dylan ReesThe school would like to thank Rev Hywel Davies and Councillor Dylan Rees for their visit to the school to hold a service about the skate park in Llangefni. |
Bake OffIf you were passing Ysgol Henblas on Monday evening the 22nd of October you might have enjoyed the beautiful aromas cakes which was a part of the baking competition ‘Henblas Bake Off’. A huge thanks to the children and the parents for their wonderful cakes, a lot of work and effort had been put in to the baking. Anti Sian and Anti Aloma enjoyed the task of adjudicating and tasting the produce. It was lovely to see the school hall full and vibrant enjoying the bingo! |
Fitness DayThe whole school went to the Mona show ground at the beginning of the month to participate in the ‘ Go Fun Run’ event. The children had a day of physical activities and they had fun in the warming up session with the mascot - dancing to various music. All of the pupils were full of energy, they all ran around the track and completed successfully. |
Welcome to the new pupilsMrs Roberts would like to welcome the new pupils to this years’ reception class. |
DinosaursThe Foundation Phase has had a very busy, fun filled month. The theme at the moment is ‘Dinosaurs’. |
Language CharterThe Language Charter is alive at Ysgol Henblas. An election was held to choose members for the Language Charter who have already been very busy. They have arranged a competition to create a logo for the group and made sure that the children of the school listen to the band of the month. This month Yr Ods is the band of the month and the children love listening to their songs. Also, the Language Charter group is trying to encourage the school children to use in Idiom of the month daily and this month everybody has been ‘torchi llewys’! |
Anglesey ArchivesLia from the Archives department came to the school to share information about the effect the war had on Anglesey. The children had created a list of questions for Lia and many interesting facts including data about the amount of bombs that had fallen on houses in Holyhead, Llangefni and Menai Bridge. Thank you for leaving a number of artefacts which will enrich the children’s learning. |
Bread MakingIt was worth seeing every pupil of year 5 and 6 in their baking hats as they created bread shapes with Blodwen and Bryony from Caterlink. Thank you to Auntie Sian, Auntie Aloma and Auntie Helen for baking the bread in the oven. Apparently the bread was very tasty. |
Washing HandsWashing your hands correctly is very important and that is the message that Nurse Mandy gave the children when she visited the school. She showed effectively how simple germs can be spread from person to person, e.g. by shaking hands. Freya, Erin and Morgan modelled how to wash the hands properly and make sure that the soap is put in between the fingers and nails. Thank you Nurse Mandy. |
Rev Emlyn WilliamsThe children enjoy having a service from Rev. Emlyn Williams on a Wednesday morning. It is lovely to hear the children singing their hearts out and moving energetically after hearing the important message. We look forward to more interesting stories. |
Year 6We would like to wish all the pupils of Year 6 the best on the next venture in their education at Secondary School. They are a very special crew and we know they will doing well in Ysgol Gyfun Llangefni. Enjoy and go for it! |
Gwynedd and Môn Sports AwardsWe are so proud of the fact that Ysgol Henblas has received the second prize in the Gwynedd and Môn Sports Awards. This is a bit of an achievement and it reflects on all the activities that have happened in the Physical Education side over the last year. |
Busy AfternoonThank you to the healthy group and year 6 for arranging an afternoon of health and fitness activities on the school field. There were four activities and the children worked energetically in each activity station. |
Henblas TalentAs there is so much talent in Henblas, the school council decided to arrange a special morning for all of the children to show their talent - dancing, gymnastics, singing, acting and more. All who performed were amazing and congratulations to Jasminne and Sion Gwilym for receiving the most nominations in the Foundation Phase and Junior class. |
Jac JonesWe welcomed Jac Jones the Artist to the school, he visited children of year 3 and 4 as they had been reading the novel ‘Diwrnod Ofnadwy’ by Haf Llewelyn. Jac Jones had designed the pictures in the novel. He showed the children how he goes about designing pictures for books. A lovely morning was had in his company and the children were amazed at his artistic skills. |
People who help – Anti JulieReception Year and Year one pupils would like to thank Anti Julie for coming into the school us as part of the themed work on ‘Jobs – People who help’. The children asked various questions, and learned how to use medical equipment. Everyone had fun learning about how important a Nurse’s job is. Thank you Anti Julie for your time. |
FarewellWe would like to thank and show our appreciation for the contribution of two members of staff who have left, Miss Ceri Roberts and Miss Medwen Humphreys. We are very thankful to both of them for their contribution to Ysgol Henblas and for giving the children valuable experiences. We send our best wishes to Anti Ceri at Ysgol Bodedern and Miss Humphreys at Ysgol Brynsiencyn. |
Welcome back!At the start of the new school year we warmly welcome the children back to Ysgol Henblas. |
Bethan Wyn JonesBethan Wyn Jones visited the school to speak with pupils of Year 5 and 6 about the habitats on Anglesey. The children had thought of questions to ask Bethan during the question and answer session. They learnt the correct terminology about plants, birds and animals that can be seen on the Island of Anglesey. Thank you very much Bethan for an afternoon that will be remembered for a long time. |
Anglesey Sea SaltYear 2 pupils visited Anglesey Salt Centre so that they could learn the process of how the salt is processed from the sea. The children had fun comparing salts and they got to do some workshop activities and were allowed to go the factory to see the production process of the Sea Salt. The children were amazed by the process of making a successful business using local and natural resource. |
Royal Charter / Amlwch Copper CentrePupils of Year 5 and 6 went to Moelfre to learn about the history of the Royal Charter.
Waiting for the pupils in the Chapel was the Reverend Huw John Hughes who gave a talk about the background of the ship before it sank. The pupils saw the place where the ship sank and also noticed the beauty of the Anglesey Coastline. Thank you to Mr Hughes for a memorable morning. After lunch we visited the Amlwch Copper Centre where the pupils could learn about the copper industry at Mynydd Parys and the importance of Amlwch Port in its days to ship the copper to the rest of the world. Porth Amlwch and the Copper Museum is beautiful – a place worthy of a visit if you can during the Summer holidays. |
Haf LlywelynPupils in Years 3 and 4 have been studying ‘Diwrnod Ofnadwy’ by Haf Llywelyn and recently the author came to the school to discuss the book and what inspired her to write the novel. The pupils had prepared questions to ask Haf Llywelyn, an hour of questions and answers was held and it was a very interesting session. |
Rugby TournamentCongratulations to Year 3 and 4 rugby team and year 5 and 6 team for their good performance at the Island tournament which was held at the Rugby Club fields, Llangefni.
Thanks to Mrs Sue Legge and Mrs Eleri Stephen and the parents for your support. |
Thomas Telford CentreYear 5 and 6 pupils went on a visit to the Thomas Telford Centre, Menai Bridge to learn about the history of both bridges which cross the Menai Straits and the general structure of both bridges. On a sunny day in June walking over the Menai Bridge was an exceptional experience. The pupils then built their own bridges and each of the bridges built succeeded in supporting the weight that was put on them. Well done all and thanks to the staff at the entre for their time. |
Urdd Athletics (Anglesey)There was serious competing at the region’s Urdd Athletics following the success in the catchment area athletics. Well done all for giving your best. Congratulations to the following pupils on their further success: Long Jump Yr 5 & 6 1st – Gruff Parry |
CondolencesAs a school and community , we would like to send our deepest sympathy to Ms Carol Jones or Auntie Carol as the children call her following her recent bereavement of losing her mother. We are all thinking of you Carol at this sad time. |
Edward Morus JonesWell – the sound of energetic singing could be heard at the school at the beginning of June, it was a pleasure to welcome Mr Edward Morus Jones to the school for an afternoon of upbeat and joyous singing. We always welcome Mr Jones to Ysgol Henblas and thanks for his enthusiasm and inspiring the pupils every time. We look forward to welcoming you back to the school soon. |
Summer FairClick here to see all the fun of the summer fair which followed our great sports day. Thanks to all who supported and to the energetic team who organized so efficiently. |
Edward Morus JonesYsgol Henblas pupils singing their hearts out with the talented Mr Edward Morus Jones. Click here to see the photos and the videos |
Spring FairAt the beginning of May a lovely evening of socialising was held at the school. The Hall was full and the school field was full of activities. Thank you to all who helped on the stalls, and for the sporting activities on the field, the lovely musical performances by members of the ‘Adran’ yr Urdd and also for the tasty food in the kitchen. Click here to see the photos |
AberystwythWe are very proud of our Netball and Football team who represented the Adran at a weekend of national sports arranged by the Urdd. Praise was given to both teams over the weekend, everybody enjoyed themselves and gave their all in the competition. Thank you to everybody who supported the school and especially to Eleri Stephen and Barry Edwards for their hard work in training both teams. |
Urdd AthleticsCongratulations to all the children who competed in the Urdd Athletics for the catchment area on Tuesday. There were many successes and we wish all the pupils well in the regional competition. Thank you to Siwan Gwilym for her hard work arranging everything. |
Fitness and athletics |
Get Well WishesWe wish to send our get well wishes to Anti Dianne who is getting better following her recent operation, we all at Ysgol Henblas are pleased that you are getting stronger. Get well soon. |
Biking to SchoolDuring the last week of April and first week of May, we at Ysgol Henblas have taken part in the ‘Big Pedal’ 2018 Challenge. Every day the pupils, parents and members of staff are being urged to use their bike, scooter or walk to school. Ysgol Henblas catchment is broad and rural. This means that some pupils has to travel up to 2 – 3 miles daily, others have to climb steep hills, which is a great effort. On the last day of the challenge the pupils were allowed to wear as their favourite superhero. Last year the school came second through Wales in the competition and we hope that we will better this this year. |
Kerbcraft Not only the biking, scooter to school is happening, Year 1 pupils has had lessons on how to cross the road safely by looking each side to make sure that no cars are coming. By carefully listening and walking in pairs the children have developed important skills. |
Urdd Success We are very pleased for all of our pupils who has been competing in the Urdd Eisteddfod before the Easter Holidays. We would like to thank everyone who has been involved in the |
Visit to Melin Llynnon |
Outside AreaIt’s lovely to see the outside area of the Foundation class, it has been transformed over the last weeks. Thank you to the parents who has been volunteering and has prepared equipment and resources. Also, thank you to the children who has been hard working during the Easter Holidays. By now there is a mud kitchen, large area and sand area and the children enjoy learning by playing in these areas. |
Urdd Crafts competition Many congratulations to the children who competed in the Urdd Crafts competition. The school was awarded four first, two second and two third prizes. Fantastic! |
Success for the Choir
Young AmbassadorsCongratulations to Osian Iorwerth and Elin Rowlands on being chosen as Sport Young Ambassadors for the coming year. They have already received a morning of training with the Sports Development Team in Plas Arthur and had an opportunity to discuss and share ideas with Ambassadors from other schools on the island. |
The Climbing Frame
The Happy Tree – October
Children In Need
MMM! These cakes are delicious! |